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  • October 14, 2022 4 min read

    Delta Air Lines

    It's an honor to dedicate this page to the Aviation community.

    We are glad to have Rick Houck from Delta Air Lines to feature as our Pilot Of The Month for November.

    Captain Rick Houck has been a visitor to BOM since the 1990s. He’s “Good People” and if I was a co-pilot I would always buddy bid with Captain Rick.


    At Rodëo Drive -

    “We take it as our responsibility to provide our customers with the best Pilot Shirts and travel accessories.”


    Hi, I'm Aniel Bakhru, engineer, entrepreneur, and founder of Rodëo Drive, an Online & Offline Airline Crew Store.

    I have been associated with the aviation industry since 1991, and have worked with several Pilots and Flight Attendants from around the globe. All our products have been evolved with crew inputs and insights over the years which has also helped us in getting recommendations from US Companies. Thank you for appreciating and supporting Team Rodëo Drive and our dedicated artisans. 


    Below are a few words that we received from Rick Houck.

    Let’s Check in!


    1. Your name is?

    I am Rick Houck.


    2. When was the first time you flew an airplane?

    I was 10 years old when I had my first ride in a little airplane


    3. What made you decide to be a pilot?

    At 14 I met an airline pilot and after talking to him at length decided it was the job for me.


    4. And how long have you been flying?

    I had over 3000 hours flying the C-130 in the US Air Force then came to Delta at age 30 in 1986. Over 22,000 hours at Delta, 15,000 of which as Capt of Boeing 727, 757, 767, and 777. 8000 hours in 12 years as a 777 Captain.

    5. What change has flying brought in you?

    Flying has made me Calm, composed, and confident.


    6. What does "Landing" mean to you?

    Every takeoff and landing for me are a thrill. I still love lifting off the ground and the challenge of making a good landing is still very rewarding.


    7.You begin a "Takeoff" with?

    Every takeoff and landing for me are a thrill. I still love lifting off the ground and the challenge of making a good landing is still very rewarding.

    8. What does your "Co-Pilot" mean to you?

    My Copilot is my right arm and essential partner. Especially when it has been my wife or my son with whom I was fortunate enough to have as my copilot on the 777.

    9. What words do you live by?

    I try to live by the Golden rule: Always treat others as you want to be treated.

    10. What does "Flying" mean to you?

    Flying is my first love, and always a thrill.


    11. Any prominent memory?

    There have been hundreds of views I will never forget. The Northern lights just recently over the arctic sea were spectacular.


    12. One landing you'll never forget?

    One landing I will never forget was in Dublin as an L1011 first officer. It was raining and we had 40knot direct crosswinds. It felt so good to control that machine and keep on centerline.


    13. A flight event that changed you?

    My first solo experience in a T-38 at 22 years old changed me. The sheer freedom of flying by myself was just enlightening. I remember a constant smile on my face as I soared around clouds like an eagle. I have looked forward to every flight since that day.


    14. A heroic deed you have never spoken about before?

    One of my favorite things to do is reassure passengers who are scared to fly. I bring them to the cockpit and help them feel like “we got this-you are safe.” Making a good landing in bad weather and seeing the relief in passengers' faces is always rewarding.


    15. Ever had a difficult passenger?

    Once flying back to JFK from Moscow we had a passenger that became intoxicated and violent. Luckily we had two New York cops on board who volunteered to give him an attitude adjustment, handcuffed him, and sat on either side of him for the remainder of the flight.


    16. What's your biggest achievement?

    My biggest achievement is raising five wonderful children who are all happy and successful. Two of which are now Delta Pilots.

    17. What would you have done without Aniel and Rodëo Drive?

    Over the years it has been wonderful getting to know Aniel. Not only does he make fine products which stand the test of time, but he is a fine person who has become a true friend to hundreds of pilots and flight attendants. He goes the extra mile and I can always sense that he genuinely cares about his friends.


    18. Any advice for passengers or new-hires in this COVID environment?

    My advice during these Covid times is just to make the best of the situation. Don’t let the negative things get in the way of enjoying your life. It will pass in due time.



    Thank you for giving us your time and sharing your most intimate memories and experiences with all of us. Heartiest Congratulations on an awesome career and best wishes for retirement this December.


    Wishing you Blue Skies and Fresh Wings!

    Strength and Honor,

    Aniel Bakhru Signature